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Hi forum,

I am new here to post. I have looked around here and probably a stupid question but I am going to purchase a cloned card from CardHouse- cchousennhr7qx6qvlriuufmow4sewjaxnmb7u5qzr6dw44c25jbi4yd.onion.jump.black .

Should I use a different wallet than CoinBase where I have my btc or a fake/tempory one to do all this transactions? I didn't think wallets can be tracked but not sure. Again, a newbie to all this.

I have a proton email already and just need the right steps to make this happen

thanks for your time and answers...
in Markets & commercialby Guest(125 points)

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1 Answer

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i am also new here hope you get answers because those are the same questions i have too

already i have everything in order,wish you all the best bro will be following incase someone answers you
by Newbie(234 points)
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I too hope to get some answers soon...good luck in your journey