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I have a question regarding carding and credit card theft. I live in Serbia, a country with relatively low security measures. I reside in a smaller city with limited ATMs and a significant amount of money flowing in and out of the local banks daily. The security in these banks is not very strong, and hypothetically, with the right team, we could potentially rob them in under 10 minutes. This is just an example to illustrate the situation.

Now, getting to the point, I am seeking assistance and a brief explanation on how to proceed with this. I am well-equipped and have been in the industry for around one year, so I am confident in my abilities. I am not foolish; I am quite savvy and capable of handling myself. I am willing to invest money in this project, which is not a problem for me.

I am looking for a partner who can help me execute this plan. We can discuss further details on Telegram. The goal is to acquire devices that can scan credit cards and extract information to purchase bitcoin. The plan is to split the profits evenly, 50-50. I am not driven by greed; I simply want to get the job done efficiently.

in Technology & Cryptoby Guest(138 points)

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3 Answers

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"FlipperZero" is the device that can help you with extract the info from CC, You may then sell the info online for BTC.. If you still need help lmk.
by Active(1.3k points)
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if u have info about cc and have good budget to invest than its easy to start this business , or if u want we can discuss more about it
by Expert(24.5k points)
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i am interested
by Newbie(234 points)