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i want to become an hacker but idk how to start, can somebody tell where i can start or whai i require
in Technology & Cryptoby Guest(148 points)

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7 Answers

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I'm not good at this, but I think I need to start by learning programming.

God give you everything you want.
by Upcomer(756 points)
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thx i hope god will help me into my journey
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not everyone can become a good hacker, my personal opinion, you need talent
by Upcomer(616 points)
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since i was a kid i learnt so much about pcs and other stuffs and i have a passion for that so i think i could be one if i do things right
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They study programming a lot, a lot, and then practice a lot, a lot, writing codes and programs. Long haul
by Active(2.4k points)
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thx for the advice i will practice more and more again
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First of all there are 2 types of hackers ones that code and can do so much shit that its mind blowing and second ones that just buy/stole software and use it its like 90% of such hackers. So it depends of what you want to achieve bro. But i can tell u if u want to be second one there is couple of sites on dark net that give u those malwares for free , but the rest of job is on your side :)
by Newbie(151 points)
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thx for your reply, and i want to be the first but i even think its not bad at all the second
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improve in coding and get enroll in cs after that u way is clear
by Expert(24.5k points)
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thx for the advice, i will improve coding and then i think i need to improve what i know about networking
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yes keep ur self update about internet things
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thx i will
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first learn a programming language, i think python is best. then learn as much as u can about cybersecurity, that is essential. learn all the details about security and encryption and analyze how hackers find weak points that they can exploit. and then give it a go! youtube has a ton of stuff for this kind of thing (all for educational purposes of course haha)
by (73 points)
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thx for your comment, infact now im tryin to learn for first html and css and a bit of networking, but yeah i was thinking to get into python aswell, i will check course on yt and even on telegram (XD obiviosly yes its all for educational purposes)
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I probably said this like a thousand times here. There are tons of tutorials online both on clearnet and dw. Head to Just and Other Library and browse the IT course materials. This is plenty of good stuff there.
by Master(35.2k points)
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thx for the comment, ill search the courses you suggest