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HI, I need to use a jailbroken AI chat. Does anyone know how I can access one, or how I can jailbreak Chat GPT?
If you don't know how to, or if this is the wrong place to ask this, do you know where is a better place to ask? Or how else I can figure out how to do it?
Pls help, thanks <3

Also I'm a total newbie so please be detailed in your answers if you can ^^
in Technology & Cryptoby Guest(145 points)

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2 Answers

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I gotchu with this as well, check private messages when you have a chance.
by Active(1.2k points)
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You can use DAN from this link: https://github.com/0xk1h0/ChatGPT_DAN

Simply paste the latest version of DAN into ChatGPT.

It usually gets patched so a simple way of bypassing the patch is renaming every DAN to another name using your text editor. Every text editor is different so I recommend searching using DuckDuckGo or another search engine how to do so, for example: How to find and replace text in [INSERT TEXT EDITOR NAME HERE].
by Upcomer(647 points)