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In my country, you have to serve 1 year of military, unless you are going to university or having a major health issues. Aside from these ones, how to avoid draft?

I live in Post-soviet space.
in Otherby Guest(122 points)

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2 Answers

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You either go live abroad or pay a doctor to make some illness up like women do, fibromyalgia, chronic depression.... find something you can fake with ease.
by Master(35.2k points)
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Dear Babyishy,

It is sorry for your country that not give enough motivation to you to accept defending it in case shit hits the fan. Please do not misunderstand me but regardless of how corrupt the government officials are it is once in a lifetime opportunity to learn officially how to survive and how to defend at least your beloved ones during the tough times. I am not trying to change your mind and decision but only sharing my point of view as a man who did his mandatory military service a bit longer than a year period and I do not regret.

I know it is hard, it is expected you to cut your ties with the life for a year but you cannot easily experience and gain the most important survival and defense skills anywhere else.

After the bullshit words above, let me answer your question. Each military system has its own regulations or acceptances. But the easiest and also most convenient way to do is look for a job abroad and stay there until you reach a certain age.

Check the rules of your country's laws. There may be a short term military service option during you employment abroad that you may either go to 1 or 2 months of basic training or better you can pay money for exemption from the duty.

If you are living in a country from former iron curtain countries, trying to bribe a military doctor may be too risky for gaining the health related exception.

As I have said, please look for most convenient path for yourself without risking to be jailed and later on performing your mandatory military service.

I wish you best of luck on your journey.
by Active(1.6k points)